Gauss is a boss in Outriders. You will encounter him while playing through the demo and proceeding through the main storyline. Gauss is the very first boss and is a very Hard Nut to Crack because of his electrical powers, which can be tricky to encounter. This is a guide to help you to defeat Gauss.
Reunion Main Mission
After saving Jakub, you will then proceed to the mission “Reunion”, where you will have to progress to a tower, eliminating a large number group of enemies along the journey. This tower is where you will go Head to Toe with Gauss. Gauss is Altered just like your character and has some supernatural powers. Gauss has all the Electrical powers at his disposal.
Confronting Gauss
Gauss, just like all the other bosses, will have a charged attack that can inflict a high amount of damage to your character. We recommend interrupting these attacks, when the enemy is charging for the attack, by shooting at him.
This will stop the orange bar on top of the enemy to fill, but once it does fill up you will face a high damage incoming attack, which could kill you if you do not have a very good amount of HP. So, do not let that orange bar on top of the enemy’s head fill up.
Gauss has an attack named Lightning Storm, which needs to be charged to be executed, this requires the orange bar to fill. You need to interrupt it from filling, this will make the fight easier.
Every class has unique abilities that can interrupt enemy’s charged attacks. You can look into the Skills section to know, which ability you will have to use to interrupt a boss’s charged attack. If you cannot use an ability to interrupt Gauss, you should try to shoot from a safe distance.
Gauss also has a primary gun, which shoots lightning shocks that deal an insane amount of damage at close range. He can also use a teleportation ability to escape you or get close to you, you should try avoiding him and keep a fair distance between the two of you.
Gauss can also set electric traps on the ground and throw slow floating balls of lightning at your character. These attacks are easily avoided.
This was everything you needed to know about how to confront and defeat Gauss in Outriders.