Outriders’ demo doesn’t have a direct option to enable or disable motion blur, which is enabled by default. Some users don’t like Motion Blur as it creates a little bit of distortion in the game. If you are one of these users, worry not, we got a guide to help you out on how to disable the motion blur in Outriders.
How to Turn Off Motion Blue in Outriders
Since motion blur does not suit many players. So, we have found a way to disable it through a settings file on a PC. There is no direct way to disable motion blur. However, the developers of Outriders have been listening to and responding to the community’s concerns regarded to the game and they have officially confirmed that an option to toggle Motion Blur will be included in the final version of the game.
Currently on PC, if you want to disable the motion blur, you gotta follow these steps in order to do so.
- Open C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\Madness\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor in your computer files.
- Open Engine.ini, and Gameusersettings.ini via a text editor
- At the bottom of each file, add what you see below in individual lines:
- [SystemSettings]
- r.MotionBlurQuality=0
- r.FastBlurThreshold=0
- r.BlurGBuffer=0
In this file, there will be options to change other settings as well, which you can’t find in the game. Such as depth of field.
This was everything you needed to know about how to disable motion blur in Outriders.