Cyberpunk 2077, a groundbreaking RPG game, faced its share of challenges post-launch. Among the myriad of issues, the “Key Binding Failed” error has been a significant concern for PC players. This error restricts players from customizing their key bindings. If you’re grappling with this problem, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you tackle it:
To solve a key binding failed error in Cyberpunk 2077 Follow these steps
Backup Your Game Files
Before making any changes, always ensure you have a backup of your game files. This precautionary step will safeguard you from potential mishaps.
Accessing the Game’s Installation Folder:
- If you’ve installed the game via Steam:
- Right-click on Cyberpunk 2077 in your Steam library.
- Choose ‘Properties’.
- Head to the ‘Local Files’ tab.
- Click on ‘Browse Local Files’.
Dive into the Config Folder:
- From the game’s main directory, follow this path: Cyberpunk 2077 > r6 > config.
Modify the XML File
- Locate and open the “inputUserMappings.xml” file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad).
- Use Ctrl + F to search for the key you intend to modify. For instance, if you’re adjusting the F key, search for “IK_F”.
- Replace every instance of the desired key with an alternative key of your choice. For instance, you can swap “IK_F” with “IK_G”.
Adjust the User Settings File (Alternative Method):
- Navigate to: C:\Users[Your_Username]\Appdata\CDPR\CP77\Usersettings.json.
- Open the ‘Usersettings.json’ file with a text editor.
- Modify the key values as per your preference. For example, change:
- “IK_W” to “IK_Up”
- “IK_A” to “IK_Left”
- “IK_D” to “IK_Right”
- “IK_S” to “IK_Down”
Save and Relaunch
After implementing the necessary changes, save the file and close it. Launch Cyberpunk 2077, and you should be able to customize the keys without the error.
Note: Some players have found success using scripts like AutoHotKey to set their preferred keys. This method can be an alternative if the above steps don’t resolve the issue.