Valheim Stone Circles Guide – How to Build, Tips

Stone Circles are one of the structures you can make in Valheim. Stone Circles are the most popular structures that are being built in the game, but there are some players who are struggling to …

How to Build Stone Circles in Valheim

Stone Circles are one of the structures you can make in Valheim. Stone Circles are the most popular structures that are being built in the game, but there are some players who are struggling to build these circles. This is a guide on how to build Stone Circles in Valheim.

The first thing that you need to do is flatten out an area of a big size where you want to lay your stone circle, the area where you want to make the stone circle should four times the size of what you are planning to make, or you can always make amendments afterward.

You should choose carefully where you are going to make the surface smooth and flat. You need to collect little stones to build the circle and then add the walls around the circle, which will act as a boundary, then you would want to add walls for your structure to remain intact and strong.

You should make sure that the center support is not stacked up on one brick, meaning that the rocks should not be overlapping other rocks, and place the wall on top of the line between two stones in the middle of the floor. Fill the inner part of the foundation with small stones and stone blocks of size 2 x 1 on the outside to finish the foundation – Stone Circle Base.

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