In a groundbreaking shift, Twitch has announced a significant change to its Terms of Service coming in 2023, fundamentally altering how content creators can share their live content. The platform is set to allow simulcasting – the ability to broadcast concurrently across multiple platforms. This move marks a departure from Twitch’s previous stance on exclusive streaming. However, with this newfound freedom comes a set of guidelines designed to maintain a high-quality experience for Twitch users. Here’s everything you need to know about these changes and how they might impact your streaming strategy.
Twitch Simulcasting Guidelines
Twitch’s pivot towards allowing simulcasting underscores its commitment to creator autonomy while balancing the platform’s integrity. The new guidelines stipulate that:
- The experience for Twitch users must not be inferior to that on other platforms. Streamers are expected to engage with their Twitch audience actively, ensuring that the quality of content and interaction, such as chat, remains high.
- Streamers are discouraged from directing viewers to other platforms during a Twitch stream. This rule highlights Twitch’s emphasis on community engagement and the unique value it provides on its platform.
- The integration of third-party services that merge activities from different platforms, like combined chats during a simulcast, is prohibited. This ensures that the Twitch community remains a distinct and integral part of the live-streaming experience.
Non-compliance with these guidelines will first lead to a warning before any further enforcement actions are taken, underscoring Twitch’s commitment to clear communication with its creators.
Further Clarification Of These Guidelines
Twitch has clarified several points to ensure a smooth transition for content creators and viewers alike. Here’s a distilled version of the information provided in their Frequently Asked Questions section:
Universal Applicability: The simulcasting guidelines are designed to apply to all streamers on the platform. However, an exception is made for those who have entered into exclusive streaming agreements with Twitch. Streamers are encouraged to reach out to Twitch Support if they’re uncertain about the specifics of their contractual obligations.
Quality Assurance: Twitch emphasizes that the streaming experience on its platform should not be compromised or inferior compared to the simulcasts on other services. An example of a violation would be intentionally diminishing the video quality on Twitch streams while maintaining higher quality on other platforms.
External Linking Policies: While the new guidelines prohibit streamers from actively directing their live Twitch audience to other platforms, they are still permitted to include links to third-party websites or platforms in the “About” section of their channel pages. This rule ensures that the live Twitch experience remains focused on the platform’s community.
Third-Party Tool Restrictions: Streamers are allowed to use third-party tools that integrate activities from various platforms for their personal purposes. However, they are prohibited from using these tools to present combined content, such as merged chats from different platforms, to their viewers on Twitch. This rule is in place to maintain the uniqueness of the Twitch community experience.
Simulcast Designation Feature: Twitch is developing a new feature that will allow streamers to label their broadcasts as simulcasts within the Stream Manager. This functionality, aimed at enhancing transparency for viewers, is not yet available, but Twitch will provide more details and guidance once it is launched.
Reinstatement of Partner Status: Twitch Partners who previously left the platform without breaching their contracts are eligible to apply for reinstatement in the Partner Program. They are advised to contact Twitch’s Customer Support team to determine their eligibility and potentially receive a new Partner invitation.
This is all you need to know about Twitch’s Simulcasting New Streaming Rules/ Guidelines . You can also read on Kick Vs Twitch Streaming Rules 2023, Top Ten Twitch Streamers 2023 (July) and Kick Streaming Rules/Guidelines 2023