There are a ton of trophies in Cyberpunk 2077 but probably the most complicated one is the Devil Trophy. This Cyberpunk 2077 trophy is earned during a certain ending and after meeting all the necessary requirements. You might not be able to unlock the Devil trophy during your first playthrough so if you want to platinum to the game, get the required ending during your second or third playthrough.
Cyberpunk 2077: How to Get the Devil Trophy
You don’t need to complete any side jobs to get the Devil Trophy in Cyberpunk 2077. To get the Devil Trophy in Cyberpunk 2077 you need to work with Hanako. Working with him will always remain an option no matter what decisions you make. However, you need to make sure you save Takemura in the Search and Destroy main job.
Without saving Takemura you can’t get the Devil Trophy. Also, you need to choose “Think trusting Araska’s risky but worth it” dialogue options and then take the Omega Blockers. You two different endings options from this. You will find yourself in space being examined by doctors. Hellman will show up to offer you a contract. It is your choice if you want to accept the contract or not. Signing the contract will archive your mind like Johnny, not signing results in V dying.
During the ending arcs there is a cutscene where V is playing with a Rubik’s Cube. If you save Takemura the cube will break, revealing a Devil Tarot Card and unlocking the Devil Trophy in Cyberpunk 2077.