Rockstar Considering Consoles Over PC for GTA VI Launch

Rockstar Games, the powerhouse behind the Grand Theft Auto series, is facing scrutiny over its decision to prioritize console versions over a PC port for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI). This strategy, …

Rockstar Considering Consoles Over PC for GTA VI Launch

Rockstar Games, the powerhouse behind the Grand Theft Auto series, is facing scrutiny over its decision to prioritize console versions over a PC port for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto VI (GTA VI). This strategy, revealed by former Rockstar developer Mike York, highlights the company’s focus on maximizing returns and the challenges of diverse PC hardware.

Console First, PC Later

York, who contributed to the development of Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V), shared insights into Rockstar’s approach. He explained that the studio traditionally concentrates on PlayStation as the primary platform, given its high sales potential. This was evident during the development of GTA V, where the PlayStation 3 version received the bulk of the team’s efforts, leading to a more polished experience compared to the PC version.

Challenges of PC Development

One of the significant hurdles in developing for PC, as York points out, is the vast array of hardware configurations. Unlike the standardized environment of consoles, PCs present a more complex landscape for testing and optimization. However, this diversity also allows for enhancements like higher character counts and denser environments, particularly on high-end systems.

Resource Allocation

York suggests that limited resources compel studios to prioritize certain platforms. With a focus on maximizing return on investment, Rockstar, like many other studios, opts to concentrate on console development first. The PC version, while potentially more profitable in the long run due to the ability to add more features, becomes a secondary concern.

Financial Considerations

Despite Rockstar’s significant financial gains, including billions from GTA V and ongoing revenue from Shark Cards, the company appears to maintain a cautious approach to resource allocation. This strategy, while potentially frustrating for PC gamers, has been a part of Rockstar’s successful development process for years.


The decision to delay the PC port of GTA VI has sparked discussions among fans and industry observers. While Rockstar is a major player backed by a substantial publisher, the company’s approach to game development, particularly regarding platform prioritization, remains a topic of debate.

As the gaming community eagerly awaits the release of GTA VI, the focus on console-first development raises questions about the future of PC gaming in major releases. Rockstar’s strategy reflects a broader industry trend, balancing resource allocation with market demands. PC gamers, meanwhile, will have to wait longer for their version of the much-anticipated title.